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Verein - Society

Founding a Verein (eingetragener Verein = e.V.) involves firstly a meeting with the founding members. Eventually all volunteers can be members, but as a face to face meeting was necessary, the Munich team kindly offered to be the founding members. The meeting minutes can be found when clicking "Founding a Verein". We also have a constitution, please have a look.

Non-profit status

The Verein then has to be registered with the tax authority and we have a bank account. We are now registered and have been granted the non-profit status, so we are tax exempt. 

Why founding a Verein?

  1. The money we make through sponsorship and ticket income belongs to the Verein and not an idividual and will be deposited into an account opened for the Verein.

  2. We can issue a donation receipt for sponsoring companies, which makes it easier for taxation on their end.

  3. We have a constitution that we all adhere to.

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